Caleb Matteis

Caleb Matteis

Caleb Matteis is an accomplished Associate Software Engineer at Penske Media Corporation, where he contributes to the development of cutting-edge software solutions. With a solid foundation in software engineering and a commitment to continuous learning, Caleb excels in leveraging technology to drive innovation and meet business objectives.

Prior to joining Penske Media Corporation, Caleb embarked on a transformative journey, transitioning from being a dedicated mailman to pursuing a career in software engineering. Recognizing the importance of bridging knowledge gaps, he attended the Springboard Bootcamp, acquiring essential skills and expertise to excel in the field.

During his career transition, Caleb embarked on a freelancing journey, honing his skills and gaining practical experience. It was during this time that he stumbled upon WordPress, initially intrigued by the skepticism surrounding it, but quickly captivated by the incredible websites built using this powerful platform.

Inspired by the versatility and beauty of WordPress, Caleb became an avid contributor to the WordPress community, seeking guidance, knowledge, and camaraderie among like-minded individuals. The WordPress community and his unwavering faith played a significant role in his successful career transition, empowering him to embrace new opportunities and reach new heights as a Software Engineer.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Caleb cherishes spending quality time with his wife and two children. He also finds joy in building WordPress themes, allowing him to combine his creative talents with his technical expertise.

Caleb is a driven and dedicated professional, consistently seeking growth and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of software engineering. His unwavering passion for technology, coupled with his genuine desire to make a positive impact, positions him as a valuable asset in any software development endeavor.


By Jason Lawton

Jason Lawton has been developing websites since 1996, and using WordPress to do so for almost 10 years. During the day he works for a design agency as a WordPress developer focusing on custom theme and plugin development. During the night he enjoys programming in WordPress, playing video games, reading, and spending time with his family (not necessarily in that order).

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