Keynote: From mailman to WordPress engineer

In this inspiring keynote, Caleb Matteis shares his remarkable journey of transitioning from a mailman to a software engineer in just three years, with the WordPress community as a guiding force. Discover how the power of WordPress and the support of its vibrant community propelled Caleb’s career transformation, offering valuable insights and encouragement for others seeking to navigate a similar path of professional growth and fulfillment.

Caleb Matteis

By Jason Lawton

Jason Lawton has been developing websites since 1996, and using WordPress to do so for almost 10 years. During the day he works for a design agency as a WordPress developer focusing on custom theme and plugin development. During the night he enjoys programming in WordPress, playing video games, reading, and spending time with his family (not necessarily in that order).

WordCamp Montclair, NJ is over. Check out the next edition!