
What is WordCamp Montclair and why should I attend?

WordCamp Montclair is an annual, one-day event that brings together WordPressers from all over the world. Whether you’re just starting out with WordPress, or you’re an experienced WordPress user, WordCamp Montclair 2024 is the place to be!

We kindly invite you to come meet our sponsors, learn more about what they have to offer, and receive some amazing swag! You’ll also hear from some of the WordPress community’s most inspirational presenters.

The event will take place at the state-of-the-art School of Communications and Media building, which has a ton of comfortable indoor and outdoor spaces for mingling, brainstorming, and meeting new people. Plus, you’ll get to see an amazing view of the New York City skyline!

Join us on June 1 and be a part of this fantastic event!