Rachel Winchester

Rachel Winchester

As we venture into the future, we lean on history. The original Internet Artists, or Net Artists, working in the early 1990s, created artworks using the internet. Before the New York Times got online, artists like Mark Amerika, Olia Lialina, and JODI were using the internet as their artistic medium. For them, the internet was a new frontier – novel and unexplored. But, this was before WordPres and before most of us were truly aware of the internet and its capabilities. Last year 2021 was a big moment for WordPress. With the full-site editor providing a true no-code experience to website creators everywhere, more people have the opportunity to create online and actively participate in the internet landscape. Everyone can start an internet company and create internet art. But what do we actually do once we rediscover the original Internet Artists? At DigitalCube, we’re using it to drive innovation and experimentation. We’re recreating some of the famous Net Art pieces using today’s technology like Artificial Intelligence. This year, we’ve also launched a new artist residency program where we invite artists to come and make internet art with us and teach us their creative ways. A renaissance is upon us and its name is WordPress.


WordCamp Montclair is over. Check out the next edition!