Introduction to Web Accessibility

Accessibility is about people. Web accessibility is about allowing people to use & understand your website without barriers. This talk covers the different types of cognitive and physical abilities that people have and how designers & developers create many unintended barriers to them using a website.

It talks about a number of practical matters, such as how to choose color palettes and what color combinations can cause barriers. It also discusses basic page structure and how that can make life easier or harder for people. It includes practical examples of websites and keyboard navigation through them.

Gen Herres

Things Well-Meaning WordPress Developers Do That Hurts SEO in 2023

Have you ever launched a website only to return to find some annoying SEO has come after you and destroyed it? Has some obnoxious marketer bugged you for lots of little changes- outside the client’s scope and budget?

I’m sorry. That might have been my fault.

Let’s work together to help our clients. I’ll share my secrets on setting up a WordPress site for SEO success. While this won’t guarantee SEO results but it will set up your clients for optimal Google love.

David Zimmerman

“Now What?”: Context Switching Strategies

Is anybody truly good at context switching? Our business culture values multitasking, but our brains just aren’t built for it! Nonetheless, whether you are a manager or individual contributor, to move up in our careers we inevitably have to juggle more and more tasks of increasingly different types.

Agency life requires more context switching than other environments, and we’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of these challenges. In this talk I will share practical strategies that I and my colleagues find useful for keeping track of it all: how to jump between projects and land on your feet, and how to get back into the groove faster after switching between different types of work. Teaser: the answer isn’t to try to do everything all at once!

K. Adam White

Using AI to Speed up your WordPress Development

We’ll take a look at multiple ways to use ChatGPT to speed up your WordPress builds, from using it to give you content that looks better than “Lorem Ipsum” to helping you with your CSS. And, then we’ll also look at using AI generated images for sites, both as main images and background images. Lastly, we’ll talk about some of the “gotchas” to watch out for when using AI generated assets!

Robbie Adair

We Are They: Fostering Belonging as a WordPress Contributor

We’ve often been asked “why did ‘they’ make this change” or “when is WordPress going to do this?”. We are not mere spectators, but can find a place of belonging as WordPress contributors.
For WordPress to become a better project and meet its philosophies, it needs a more diverse set of backgrounds. Your life experiences are needed to move things forward!

During this session, you’ll learn about the teams that make WordPress, and ways to bring your unique background and influence.

What are the biggest changes you’d like to see? Come join the team: coding is optional.

Courtney Robertson

Fun with the WordPress REST API

We typically think of WordPress as publishing information for humans, but WordPress is also quite good at publishing information for computers via the WordPress REST API. We’ll look at how to write code to retrieve this information and how to extend the WordPress REST API so our WordPress site can serve our own custom information.

Sal Ferrarello

WordCamp Montclair, NJ is over. Check out the next edition!