Our Commitment to Safety
In the ever-changing face of COVID-19 regulations, we will be observing the following safety precautions at WordCamp Montclair. These regulations currently meet or exceed the local and state mandates as well as WordCamp Central guidelines. Should these mandates and guidelines change, we will update our policy accordingly.
We continue to keep an eye on the COVID-19 situation and suggest you visit this page periodically to check for updates.
We are in the process of preparing to make this an outstanding and safe WordCamp Montclair 2022 experience!
Attendees should only participate if:
- fully vaccinated,
- OR recently tested negative,
- OR recently recovered (in the last 3 months).
If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home. We will gladly refund your ticket fee.
Indoor Protocols
- Masks are suggested with nose and mouth fully covered.
- Speakers will be standing at minimum of 10 feet away from the audience.
- All podiums, microphones, etc. will be sanitized between speaker presentations.
- Hand sanitizer, wipes, and disposable masks will be available.
Outdoor Protocols
- When eating or drinking, we encourage attendees to do so outdoors. There are many outdoor places to sit within easy walking distance of our site.
Social Distancing
Our name badges will reflect each person’s preference for interacting with others.

Hugs Welcome / Fist Bumps Preferred / 6 Feet Please