
Sponsor Spotlight: Yoast

We would like to take a moment to thank Yoast for supporting WordCamp Montclair 2022 as a Silver Sponsor!

Get your site into shape by working on your SEO regularly with the SEO workouts that are included in Yoast Premium. These SEO workouts will guide you through regularly needed activities like the mastering the cornerstone approach or taking care of orphaned content.

Did you know that both Yoast Free and Yoast Premium come with access to our Yoast Academy? That way, you can get started with improving your website at no cost at all, and move up to Premium once you mastered the basics. Check out what training is included in Yoast Free and Yoast Premium.

Have a hard time keeping up with what’s hot and what’s not in SEO? Sign up for our next SEO News webinar right away. Would you rather catch up on some previous webinars first? They’re available at no cost in our Yoast Academy. Just log in or sign up.

WordCamp Montclair is over. Check out the next edition!